If you review this company you will discover that two similar sites come up:  RabbitLaserUSA.com and RabbitLaser.com.  I cant say much about RabbitLaser.com – other than it’s unquestionably a Chinese laser company.  I would assume it is affiliate with the USA site.  RabbitLaserUSA.com is an Ohio based company offering a variety of imported laser machines with an emphasis on CO2.   Nothing fancy from their website other than pretty decent info on their systems.  The appear to be imported laser machines with Chinese software, laser tubes, etc.  But, USA support is better than overseas.  So, the value added cost is well worth it.  Seem to be a small outfit with basic part inventory availability.  You mostly find advertising, reviews, and feedback within online forums.   Seems to be several pitchmen that pop up in almost every laser discussion to promote Rabbit.

The control system and software is not the best:  Leetro 6535 and LaserCut 5.3.  This software is Chinese and know for being buggy and hasn’t been updated in a while.  The manual will take some effort to work through.   The software requires an external USB drive / ‘dongle’ to operate.   What’s good is their website has numerous complimentary manuals to help with operation.

The LaserCut software manual:


“The whole reason I went with Rabbit is the fact that Ray delivers, installs, adjusts, test, installs software and does a sample before leaving.”  – CNC Zone

All the caps in the world won’t get Ray out to Warranty a mechanical defect. I’m glad you’ve had a great experience with Rabbit. Obviously you haven’t needed anything covered under warranty.



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1 Comment

  • My review of LaserCut 5.3 is that its unpredictable and has shut down in the middle of jobs many times. And you don’t just pick
    up where you left off…material ruined.

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